adapt dealer showcase
Our Adapt partners are integral to our success and align with our values of providing intuitive and reliable control systems for homes. Below is a list some of our most successful partners. These are Adapt dealers that exemplify the qualities and standards we aspire to for the Adapt experience. If you are looking for a Crestron system that features our revolutionary Adapt software, we highly recommend all of the following dealers.
This is not a complete list of Adapt dealers. If you do not see a dealer in your area, please contact us and we can help you find one near you.
Audio Command Systems
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Corporate HQ -516-997-5800
Manhattan, NY -212-260-4715
Los Angeles, CA -310-444-3883
Boca Raton, FL -561-997-0550
NYC Design Center -800-382-2939

Bravas - OKC
(formerly Audio Dimensions)
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Oklahoma City, OK -405-752-1115

Bravas - Boca Raton
Spectrum Technology Integrators
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Palm Beach, FL -561-798-7010
Broward, FL -954-428-6061

captive audio
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Austin, TX -512-997-9001
San Antonio, TX -210-741-8001

Cloud 9 Integrated Systems
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Steamboat Springs, CO -970-761-2352
Avon, CO -970-761-4050

Haas Home Technologies
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Austin, TX -512-831-3667

Lucid Integrated Systems
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Green Bay, WI -612-308-2486
Robbinsdale, MN -612-308-2486

Paragon Systems Integration
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Aspen, CO -970-920-3167
Vail, CO -970-445-2424
Palm Beach, FL -561-409-8951
Basalt, CO -970-945-3700
Honolulu, HI
Jacarandas Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Tech Automation
Tech Automation designs and installs technology solutions for a wide array of businesses, homes, and corporations around the country. We have the expertise to design, integrate, manage and support the demands of your project. From start to finish, Tech Automation works with our clients to determine the best solutions to meet their needs and provide the best experiences.
Tech Automation’s mission is to design and create innovative technology experiences and solutions that combine attention to aesthetics and ease of use with an emphasis on performance.
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Troy, MI -248-841-8500

Walbrandt Technologies
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St. Louis, MO -314-627-0346

Wired Technologies Group
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Winter Garden, FL -407-403-6695