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"Do you guys still do Crestron programming?"

With all the things that PanTech Design does, we can sometimes forget to mention all the things that we do.

We were having a conversation with an Adapt dealer who was struggling to keep up with all the projects he had going (good problem to have). His bottleneck was programming. While Adapt made his programmers much faster, everybody has their limits. Then surprisingly, he asked, "Can you guys, help? Do you still program systems?"

Adapt Energy: The Path to Load Shedding

How a simple concept can change the future of energy.

Adapt Energy: The Path to Load Shedding

The concept of load shedding came about as a protection for electric power systems. Simply put, it cuts power from parts of a system to prevent overloading the power source. This is typically in relation to largescale systems like the energy grid. But load shedding is now making its way into homes, partly out of necessity brought on by new innovations. But also, it is finding new purpose for home energy conservation.